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Sql server Storage and IO Optimzation .

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

One of the biggest chanlleges moving a DB from on Prem to the cloud is determining the right Instance Size. Although we have several available tools that asses the on prem DB and can help with instance sizing but quite often we tend to forget that there are few things that we can do at the DB level itself that help minimize IO and storage and therefore help in choosing the right class instance and as a result save money.

First and for most it is very important to get a performance baseline of the Server and DB.

There are specific steps that should be taken when analyzing a workload with the goal of making the application perform better, while at the same time reducing resource consumption.

There are a lot of ways to do that but for the sake of this article we can keep it simple

Baselining is important because you need to know as you are working on IO optimization whether you are going in the right direction or not.

To baseline your Sql Server load you can capture below stats (more about the counters and Waitstats in the Appendix section).

NB: Taking a baseline and running a POC will be covered in a later posting.

· Perfmon (Windows)

· Waitstats (Sql Server)

After baselining your DB we can go ahead and dig deep into the Database and start looking at few but imoprtant things that could make a difference in performance and IO optimization.

NB. : all script for below operations can be found on Github

1. Duplicate indexes

2. Missing Indexes

3. unused indexes

4. High IO Queries

1. Duplicate indexes

Indexes are very powerful in SQL Server. You want to have the right indexes in place to help support queries reading table and make them faster– that has a lot of benefits, like reducing IO, CPU, and memory usage. But on the flip side, you can easily have too much of a good thing. Duplicate indexes (or overlapping) take up double the room in SQL Server– and even if indexes are COMPLETELY identical, SQL Server may choose to use both of them. Duplicate indexes essentially cost you extra IO, CPU, and Memory, just the things you were trying to SAVE by adding indexes!

Dropping duplicate indexes will reduce the size of your DB minimize IO and CPU.Please review the Output carefully and test in Dev before dropping any indexes, I will highly recommend to drop few sets at a time and make sure to document your steps.

Running the script against Adventureworks generated below output, ‘Document’ table has two identical duplicate index. in this case one of them can be safely dropped.

2. Missing Indexes

When SQL Server is processing a query, it will sometimes suggest an index that it believes will help that query run faster. These are known as Missing Indexes, or Missing Index “Suggestions”.

Missing indexes can really help in optimizing the queries with High Read and

Will as a result reduce IO, CPU and memory utilization.

Now, before we get too far into this, let’s start with a warning. You don’t want to take SQL Server’s indexing advice TOO literally. You want to take it as a starting point and then decide: is this good advice? What’s the best way I could use this.

But few things you need to be wary about the missing indexes “suggestion “

o They’re super specific– and they don’t consider each other. If you follow the missing index recommendations exactly, you’re very likely to create indexes with duplicate keys and /or duplicate include values.

o They don’t consider existing indexes on the tables. There may be an existing index which is just like the missing index, but it needs one added included column. The missing index recommendations will just tell you the exact index that would be perfect for them.

o Sometimes it will recommend an index that already exists.

o Missing index information is cleared on SQL Server restart.

o On SQL Server 2012 and above, missing index info (and info in index usage and operational stats DMVs) may be cleared when you rebuild an index as part of index maintenance

o Some of the suggested indexes could overlap and they could vary slightly in order or Included columns

3. Unused Indexes

Are too many indexes bad? will it depends and this is for later discussion but

one thing we know for sure is unused indexes cause performance issue, higher

IO consumption, longer maintenance Jobs and larger DB size.

As a rule of thumb, we should look at index stats “Read and Write”

and drop all indexes that have Zero or low write as supposed to read.

unused indexes cause unnecessary Db Growth More read and more maintenance

on your DB Another word of caution as well:

To interpret this information, we need to know how usage is calculated. Index

usage information is persisted since SQL Server’s restart and in Sql 2012 and

higher index usage data is wiped out when you rebuild the respective index.

You may also have cases where indexes are only used at special times, but are

still very important. (i.e. monthly, quarterly and yearly reports)

  1. USER_SEEKS refer to how many times an index seeks occurred for that index.

  2. USER_SCANS refers to how many times an index scan occurred for that index.

  3. User_LOOKUPS refer to how many times the index has been used in a "bookmark lookup" to fetch the full row. This is because non-clustered indexes use the clustered indexes key as the pointer to the base row.

  4. USER_UPDATES The updates refer to how many times the index was updated due to data changes which should correspond to the first query above.

4. High Logical Read

This will be one of most time-consuming exercise but for sure the most rewarding in terms of reducing IO, CPU and Memory usage and improving the Overall performance of your DB. The Idea here is to get the top 5-10 queries with the highest IO read and tune those queries, you may not need to tune a query that is high in read but runs once or twice a day vs a query that is avg in IO but runs every few minutes the reward here is much higher.


Index tuning can be very difficult at first but there are a lot you can learn buy conducting this exercise. In general, adding the right indexes– and taking the right indexes away– are some of the best things you can do for your SQL Server’s performance and optimization. I would personally start working on the duplicate indexes first as this is the safest operation you can carry. And always make sure you test your change in a test box and take Sql Server stats before and after .



Anything that Sql server execute that has to wait for a resource - A lock or a page that needs to be read from Disk, Memory Grant... will have a waitstats associated with it and Sql server will record the wait and the time. Waitstats are very important to understand to have a good picture about your Sql server and DB. It is also important to note that those Waitstats are cumulative from the time Sql server start or from the time a manual reset has been issued.For better reading of Waitstats I suggest scheduling a sql agent job to collect and store the metrics into a table.

You can refer to this blog written by Paul Randal about Waitstats


Perfmon is a windows task you can schedule the below Performance counters( detailed description of the counters in Appendix A) for 30 minutes to one hour during peak time to get a good reading about the DB performance.

OR you can use Free Tools for the DBA: PAL Tool , it is simple and easy to use and comes with preconfigred counters .

CPU Usage

· Processor

o %Processor Time

o %Privileged Time

· Process (sqlservr.exe)

o %Processor Time

o %Privileged Time

Memory Usage

· Memory

o Available Mbytes

· SQL Server:Buffer Manager

o Lazy writes/sec

o Page life expectancy

o Page reads/sec

o Page writes/sec

· SQL Server:Memory Manager

o Total Server Memory (KB)

o Target Server Memory (KB)

Disk Usage

· Physical Disk

Avg. Disk sec/Read

o Avg. Disk Bytes/Read

Avg. Disk sec/Write

o Avg. Disk Bytes/Write

· Paging File

o %Usage

· SQL Server:Access Methods

o Forwarded Records/sec

o Full Scans/sec

o Index Searches/sec


These are some of the tools that I used it is not by any means a complete list , and some of those tools are quite old but they still work and provide a lot of values. SQLDIAG:

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